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Word Of Truth
Sharing the rich word of God with others for deliverence, through the scriptures. Answering prayer request, and giving a Prophetic Word. Not all will accept or believe.
Wisdom shared with the believer.
Yokes broken, those in bondage set free. The brokenhearted rejoice.
Published on August 21, 2006 By
Sons of Thunder
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The only thing we have here is the written Word of God to be shared with those who freely accept it and not challange it. The answers to all questions placed on this blog by you will be answered through the Holy Scriptures. Not everyone will accept or believe the written Word however for those of you that do deliverence and blessings follow. To start us off on this venture, I'd like to ask this question. " What is the whold duty of man " according to the Bible ?
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Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 01, 2006
Hey, San Chonino. Remember these lines? "Scary religious people." "Religion freaky."
on Oct 13, 2006
I have been away from the internet for 1 1/2 months. I could not be any of the people you say I sound like on this blog. I would use my screenname on anything that I wanted to address in this forum and not be afraid to do so. Please be assured that I don't have to hide behind another screenname while addressing a subject or any topic in this forum. I thank God I am who I am and that God is the head of my life. I am called, anointed, appointed, and chosen by God to teach, deliver the word of GOD, and hold a few other offices so ordained by God. I don't chose to hide behind various names.
Let's be professional while addressing the different topics and enjoy this avenue which allows us all to express ourselves. Those that are on one accord with God and believe in HIS HOLY WORD are covered under the blood of JESUS CHRIST. There is no greater love than what HE expressed to a dying world when HE hung bled and died on Calvary, stayed dead for 3 days and rose again. Let's make an effort to obey HIS commandment and love ye one another for HE loves us all and wants us to fellowship and learn more of HIM.
Try the spirit by the spirit. God is real! Seek HIM while HE may yet be found.
3 Pages
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