So many Christians as well as others celebrate Easter and the crucifiction of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as occuring on Good Friday. We go to church and worship, fasting, praying and preaching. According to the Holy Scriptures Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified and buried in a sepulcher (tomb) and stayed three days. He arose on the first day of the week, that being Sunday. With the Jewish calender during that period being only 12 hours, 6am sunrise to 6 pm sunset constitute...
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has commited this sin more then once and that is to have had a sexual relationship before being wed. Before I was enlightened in the Word of God, I had numerous sexual partners and took no thought of it being a sin. The Holy Scriptures speak of fornication, which means no sex before marriage, especially in 1Cor.7: 1-2 . How do you feel ? Guilty or not guilty ?
In the Book of Matthew Ch.19:9, " And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultry: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultry. Reguardless of what actions or conduct one spouse commits against the other, with the exception of fornication; is it lawfull for them to divorce and remarry another ? Your thoughts and comments please. "
The only thing we have here is the written Word of God to be shared with those who freely accept it and not challange it. The answers to all questions placed on this blog by you will be answered through the Holy Scriptures. Not everyone will accept or believe the written Word however for those of you that do deliverence and blessings follow. To start us off on this venture, I'd like to ask this question. " What is the whold duty of man " according to the Bible ?
When I sit down and begin to read the scriptures, I'm constantly learning something as always. Reading Galatians chapter 3:24 it says; Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justifyed by faith. My point of discussion is, what is meant by the term "schoolmaster"? What was its function, or is this a metaphor. Does this term have a meaning in the scriptures ?
According to Matt. 10:35-36 Jesus Christ says this: " For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household ". Is the price of discipleship and serving the true and Living God worth this to you, and if so Why ? This is a harsh statement to the believer.
When I listen to people speak of the civil wars being waged all over the world and the involvement of the United States of America, I often say to myself the Bible is fulfilling its prophecies. By this I mean according to 6-8, here's what it says: And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be fam...
I get a chance from time to time to visit many churches as a speaker or visitor and I'm amazed at the growing number of alternative lifestyles there. I see gay pastors, deacons, choir members and muscians throughout the church. I've enen found and entire gay Catholic Church, priest and all. So I ask myself according to the Bible in 1st.Cor. 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not decieved: neither fornicators , nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor eff...
For the longest time I heard preachers talk about tithing, paying your tenth to the church. I also heard many excuses people used as to why they couldn't pay their tenth. However I was convinced to try it and I find it works. Once I got started in paying my portion to the church I find I don't miss it as I thought I would. As I read the scriptures I find that ten percent of everything is not ours. One of the things I became concerned about was, was I suppose to pay the tenth of my ea...
As I sat here in my office, I ask myself are we celebrating Christmas because of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Are we using this Holiday Season to purchase gifts, buying lots of toys for the kids, decorateing the house, haveing family and friends over for dinner and parties and a New Years Eve gala and going into debt because this is a tradition thats been passed down through the years? Nothing wrong with this, if this is what you do every year. But I still wonder is this celebration...